East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists’ Society Annual Report 2022

Due to Covid, an AGM was held on Zoom on 13th May 2021. It was decided that the existing Council should carry on pro tem. This was followed by a talk by George Mackintosh on the Papple project. 

All proposed events had to be abandoned. The President kept in touch with members by email

The next AGM will be held on Saturday 14th  May 2022 at 2,30pm at Prestonkirk stables. 

Online Lectures

We have had three successful lectures on Zoom, that have been attended by some members who would have found physical attendance impossible. I am grateful to the speakers, and Ian Hardie and George Robertson who made them possible. 

11 November 2021 “Aberlady Bay nature reserve from sea to tree and everything in between”, by John Harrison, Warden Aberlady Bay Nature Reserve.

13 January 2022. “ East Lothian’s geological journey; from tropical paradise to icy wastes”. by Fiona McGibbon 

3rd March. 2022 Saltcoats Castle and the Livingstone’s  by David Sowerby. 


Although membership remains steady with 48  family members &  53  individuals, the Council is  looking at ways in which to attract new members, particularly of a “younger age group”. A Trifold leaflet has been developed.  


The Transactions continue to be held in high regard. They are lodged in the Copyright Libraries, East Lothian Libraries and are purchased by academic and other libraries. They are issued to Queen Margaret University, and East Lothian secondary schools and Belhaven and Loretto schools. Volume xxxiii will be published shortly.  

The Transactions, (eastlothianantiquarians.org.uk ) and the 4th Statistical account (el4.org.uk) and other works are now available on the societies websites. We are grateful to George Robertson and Philip Immirzi, for setting up and maintaining the sites. Members are encouraged to contribute articles for the Transactions and website. 

Other matters

We have entered into discussion with George Mackintosh about establishing a presence in his heritage centre at Papple. This will give us a base and an opportunity to develop various ideas and projects. 

The President represents the Society on the John Muir park advisory group.

Mr John Hunt represents the society on the Aberlady Bay advisory group and on the Law Advisory group. 

Joy Dodd represents the Society on the East Lothian Heritage Forum. 

The society is vigilant in the face of threats to our heritage of buildings  and landscapes.

Stephen Bunyan, President

April 2022


By eastlothianantiquarians

The East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists’ Society, established in 1924, is a membership organisation and a charity. Member events include outings and a copy of the Transactions for just £15/annum. We also welcome short contributions from members for the website.

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