Annual General Meeting 2016

The 92nd Annual General meeting of the Society was held  on Saturday 21st May 2016 in Tranent Parish Church, BW.  The meeting was followed by a talk by Mrs. Joy Dodd on the study of the gravestones in the church yard.  There are many fine old grave stones in Tranent churchyard.

The AGENDA of the meeting was as follows

Twenty one members were present and apologies were received from a number of members

Obituary notices Norman and Julie Murphy who had died in the course of the year were remembered

The minutes of the AGM of 16th  May 2015 were noted and approved


The president spoke to the annual report

The treasurer,John Lamb was welcomed and made his report

The financial situation was satisfactory and the report was approved

Christopher Tabraham spoke about the transactions

Preparations are in hand to publish the next volume in the spring of 2017 but more contributions would be welcome.

A consultation paper was discussed and completed on the Winter Lectures Venue and consideration will be given to a possible change.

The following Office bearers were elected.

President  Stephen  Bunyan MBE

Vice President  Sir Hew Hamilton Dalrymple Bt. GCVO

Vice President The Dowager Countess of Wemyss & March

Honorary Treasurer Mr John Lamb

Honorary Secretary  Mr Graeme Bettison

Honorary Press/Publicity Officer  Vacancy

Honorary Librarian  Mrs J Dodd

Hon. Field Naturalist Advisor Mr John Hunt.

Editor of Transactions  Mr Chris Tabraham

Website Advisor  Mr Simon Boak


Election of Members of Council. 

The following members were re elected

The Duke of Hamilton, Mr D Affleck, Mrs J Bell, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr W. Dodd, Mrs J Dodd, Mrs B Elwood, Miss V Fletcher, Mr I Hardie, Mr J Hunt and Mrs S Jamieson.

It was noted that subscriptions are now due and should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer.

Hon. Secretary Graeme H Bettison
18, The Promenade ,
Gifford, EH41 4QH
Tel. 01875 818710

President Stephen A. Bunyan, MBE
“Inchgarth”, East Links
Dunbar, EH42 1LT
Tel. 01620 810373

Hon.Treasurer: John Lamb
Squirrel Cottage, Main Street
Port Seton
EH32 0DF
Tel. 01368 863335


By eastlothianantiquarians

The East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists’ Society, established in 1924, is a membership organisation and a charity. Member events include outings and a copy of the Transactions for just £15/annum. We also welcome short contributions from members for the website.

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