Annual General Meeting 2013

The AGM of East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists Society was held in Bolton Parish church on Saturday 18th May.

The President Stephen Bunyan welcomed members and gave a brief resume of the history of the church.

The society remembered Mr W. R. Angell who had died in the course of the year.

The President spoke to the annual report which had been circulated.

He noted that while it had been a successful year some outings had been marred by very wet weather.

The treasurer presented the accounts which were accepted.

Christopher Tabraham reported that volume 29 of the Transactions has now been published and work on volume thirty was in hand. The president thanked Mr Tabraham for his work in producing another excellent volume.

Office Bearers were elected as follows

President Mr. Stephen Bunyan

Vice presidents Sir Hew Hamilton Dalrymple Bart. GCVO

The Dowager Countess of Wemyss & March

Hon Treasurer – Mrs Joy Dodd

Hon Secretary – Mr Graeme Bettison

Hon Librarian and publicity officer – Miss Sheila Millar

Hon Field naturalist Adviser- Mr John Hunt

Editor of The Transactions- Mr Christopher Tabraham.

Website advisor – Mr Simon Boak

Financial Advisor – Mr John Sparksman was re appointed.

Members of Council -Mrs D Buchan and Mrs J Priest had indicated that they wished to resign as members of Council. The Chairman thanked them and the other members for their contribution to the work of the council. The other members were re elected.

At the conclusion of the business Mr Bob Mitchell gave a fascinating account of the connection between the Burns family and the parish of Bolton. Members then looked at the Mort safe visited the Burns family graves and proceeded to the hall where tea was provided.

Enquiries about the society and about the purchase of copies of transactions should be made to the Hon Secretary Graeme Bettison at tel 01875 818 710

The first outing of the new programme is a visit to the Battlefield of Flodden on Sat 8th June.

S Bunyan 3 6 2013


By eastlothianantiquarians

The East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists’ Society, established in 1924, is a membership organisation and a charity. Member events include outings and a copy of the Transactions for just £15/annum. We also welcome short contributions from members for the website.

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