Annual General Meeting 2006


The eighty second Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held in
The Granary Building, Poldrate Mill, Haddington, on Saturday 20 May 2006 at 2.30 pm.
This will be followed by a tour of the buildings in the ownership of the Lamp of Lothian Trust.
Tea will be available in St Mary’s Church at 4pm.


1. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Saturday 21 May 2005 (to be tabled)
2. Reports:
Annual Report
3. Election of Office-Bearers
Council makes the following nominations:
Honorary Treasurer:
Honorary Secretary:
Honorary Press/Publicity Officer:
Honorary Librarian:
Hon. Field Naturalist Advisor:
Editor of Transactions
Hon Archaeologist
Mr. S. A. Bunyan
The Earl of Wemyss and March, KT
Sir Hew Hamilton-Dalrymple, Bt., KCVO
Mr. F. Mayo
Ms. A. Cosgrove
Mrs. I. Gristwood
Mrs. E. Halliday
Mr. J. Hunt
Mr. C. Tabraham
Ms. B Simpson

4. Election of Members of Council.
Nominations are invited and should be sent to the Honorary Secretary before 15 May.
Miss V Fletcher is retiring from the post of Press Officer but has indicated that she would be willing to stand for election to Council. Council is happy to propose her for election.

Other members of Council are:
Retire 2007
Retire 2008
Mrs. A. Mitchell (2)
Mr. I. Hardie (1)
Mr. A. Dean (2)
Mr. N. Murphy (1)
Mrs K Kemball (1)
Mrs M Crow (1)
Retire 2009
Mrs. E. Halliday (1)
Miss K. Fairweather (2)
Retire 2010
Mrs I Gristwood (1)

6. Appointment of an Independent Financial Adviser.

7. Subscriptions for 2006/7 are now due.

Adult £10, Family £15 (household including children under 18), Junior £5 (under 18 or full-time
student), Institutional £7. Members are reminded that Transactions are issued free to regular
subscribers. It would be helpful if Bankers’ Orders were amended to make payment by the 1st of June annually. Members who pay annually should pay by cheque accompanied by the completed payment slip, preferably in an envelope, at the AGM or by post to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. F. Mayo, by 1st June.

Members may wish to help the Society at no cost to themselves by signing a Gift Aid Declaration.


By eastlothianantiquarians

The East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists’ Society, established in 1924, is a membership organisation and a charity. Member events include outings and a copy of the Transactions for just £15/annum. We also welcome short contributions from members for the website.

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