The Amazing Strutter

The amazing Strutter project – talk by Gerald Lohan, a member of the team building a working replica of the World War 1 fighter plane, the Sopwith Strutter.

The Society is pleased to present this talk at 2.30 pm on Saturday 3rd December 2022, at the Maitlandfield House Hotel, Haddington

Non-members welcome – a small donation appreciated

Gerald Lohan

Our speaker is a man of eclectic interests – however for this talk they relate to the air defence of East Lothian, Rosyth and Edinburgh during WW1. He is planning to use the incredible Sopworth Strutter replica as a focus for encouraging young people to study the subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics –  and also for telling the story of the 350 women who “ran” East Fortune airfield during the Great War.

Sopwith 1.5 Strutter

It seems impossible that a group of retired men could take on the building of a replica WW1 fighter plane in a farmer’s shed with a goal of airworthiness to actually fly it ! But they are nearly there. The original plane came into service in 1916 and with its machine gun synchronisation to fire through the propeller it had success enough to help tip the air war balance to the Allied forces.

We will hear the story of how The Aviation Preservation Society of Scotland did it.


By eastlothianantiquarians

The East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists’ Society, established in 1924, is a membership organisation and a charity. Member events include outings and a copy of the Transactions for just £15/annum. We also welcome short contributions from members for the website.

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