Woodhall Dean – largely unseen

Talk by Lesley Fairweather, a retired biology teacher, with a keen interest in local flora and fauna.

The Society is pleased to present this talk on Saturday 5th November 2022, at the Maitlandfield House Hotel, Haddington.

Non-members welcome – a small donation appreciated

Lesley Fairweather

Lesley is a retired Biology teacher and has a strong interest in the countryside.

Lesley has lived in East Lothian for over 40 years, enjoying the great outdoors and volunteering with the Scottish Wild Life Trust (SWT) which enabled her to  learn about SWT reserves, especially their trees, birds and dragonflies. This led to her becoming convenor of Woodhall Dean for over 20 years.

Woodhall Dean

 SWT’s interest in Woodhall Dean dates from 1969 when it was first noted as a pure sessile oakwood of considerable extent in the context of East Lothian.  It has since been extended and now comprises 60 hectares.

The Woodhall and Weatherly Burns run through the site giving shade and dampness to the excellent Bryophyte communities.  The Bluebells are spectacular in the Spring.  Redstarts and other migrant warblers return in April enhancing the healthy bird population found amongst the varied habitats.

A circular path through the central section of the reserve allows the public to appreciate the ancient trees and its special flora and fauna.

We hope to enjoy a fascinating, illustrated “tour” of this secluded East Lothian dean – from Scots dene meaning deep valley.


By eastlothianantiquarians

The East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists’ Society, established in 1924, is a membership organisation and a charity. Member events include outings and a copy of the Transactions for just £15/annum. We also welcome short contributions from members for the website.

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