Message from the President Stephen Bunyan MBE

As we enter or complete a decade depending on your point of view it seems a good time to give an update. The Traprain treasure was found in 1919 and it aroused tremendous interest. Traprain Law was part of Whittinghame estate. Soon afterwards A. J Balfour [created earl in 1922] and his sister suggested the formation of an Antiquarian Society which was done in 1924.

As we approach our centenary I am happy to say we now seem to be in good heart. Council is busy forming a traditional programme for the current year. Arran Johnston has become editor of the Transactions and Kirsty Wilson has agreed to be treasurer.

Council was aware that our transactions contained a vast amount of information about East Lothian. As they were essentially only issued to members and are currently held in only a few libraries, they were not widely available or indeed known. The decision was made to digitise them and put them on the web. This has been done and we are immensely grateful to members, George Robertson and Phillip Immirzi for undertaking the necessary procedures. This task has been completed with the addition of the History of Haddington and we have also put on the seven volumes of the Fourth Statistical Account.

Response has shown that this has been of huge interest and has greatly increased awareness of the society. It has been suggested that this could be an interactive situation and that we might invite participation by welcoming short contributions of 500-750 words. If you would like to take part please send your contribution for the attention of editor Arran Johnston at

My best wishes for 2020 and I hope to see you at some of our events.

Stephen Bunyan

Photo: GWS Photography

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