Proposed Field Name Recording Project for East Lothian

The Need

Farmland in East Lothian is currently being lost to development, often of new housing. Consequentially the names of fields, many of which are very old, are being lost. Loss has also been caused by the amalgamation of fields into larger areas to allow mechanised farming has also been going on for the past 70 or so years and more slowly for another 150 -200 years.

Project Aim

To record the field names as they are now, assess their age and also record any earlier names used for the fields that can be identified from surviving records.


  • A group of volunteer researchers has been established from within the ELA&FNS membership. Non-members may also volunteer.
  • Available records will be examined by the group e.g. old maps, estate plans, sasines.
  • Information Collection. Many farmers have maps of their farm and obviously know the field names currently in use. It would be helpful if people could send us such information perhaps in the form of a map marked up with the names (plus their contact details). The simplest way would be to take a photo of the map & add to an email. Any older records would be of interest, depending upon volume of records and willingness a farm visit may be appropriate. Word of mouth has reached some farmers & marked up plans have already been sent to us.
  • Farm visits may take place by mutual agreement. A review of information gathered often prompts the memory, producing more information for the record.
  • Old photos may be collected/copied to illustrate the reports or website posts.

Expected Outcomes

  • A series of plans with an index of current field names. Index will also include field names from historical plans and documents.
  • Plans to be posted on a new section of the ELA&FNS website as they are created. The website is free for anyone to access. Plans may be published in our Transactions in due course.

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