The Lagoons at Musselburgh

Led by John Hunt on Saturday 21 September 2024.

A good number of members enjoyed another successful outing to the Lagoons at Musselburgh led by our field naturalist Council member John Hunt.

The Lagoons have literally risen from the ashes from the old Cockenzie power station. These man-made wetlands have become one of the best bird watching sites in the Lothians attracting large numbers of wading birds, ducks, Canada Geese and gulls.

Thankfully the whole area is now owned and managed by East Lothian Council who have progressively transformed ( with the help of nature ) what was apparently sterile ash to a mixture of wetlands, grass land and woodland.

The highlight of the guided exploration was visiting the newest of the wetland areas to the west of the site. Here our members were able to utilise a number of hides which afforded excellent cover to discreetly observe a number of birds species such as: hundreds of Canada Geese flying in to roost plus a number of Greylag Geese. Wading Birds were numerous too such as large numbers of Oystercatcher, Curlew and Knot with smaller numbers of Redshank and Bar-tailed Godwit. As regards ducks there were a lot of
Teal plus also Mallard, Gadwall and Wigeon. Four species of gull were also evident in good numbers.

Members unable to attend are encouraged to make there own visit. The vehicular entrance is sign posted “ Levenhall Links Leisure park” close to the entrance to the Prestongrange Museum off the B1348.

Photo by Neil Roger