Visit to General Register House

East Lothian Antiquarian & Field Naturalists’ Society visit to General Register House, Edinburgh on 18th July 2024.

Following on from the “Balfour Legacy” talk by National Records of Scotland archivists Society members enjoyed a superb visit to General Register House on 18th July 2024.

A team of three archivists led the proceedings. The visit was particularly notable as the 250th anniversary of the building had just passed!

General Register House is a magnificent Robert Adam building, started in 1774 and being the first purpose-built public record repository in the British Isles.

The visit had two parts. In the first members were given a detailed tour of the building – from its basement to the amazing “Adam Dome”. Heating (and fire prevention) got a particular mention. The Scottish engineer James Watt advised on the design with a Roman solution chosen involving constantly burning furnaces in the basement supplying hot air via flues to the upper building.

In the second part of the visit the archivists took the group to search rooms including the Historical Search Room where the public can access original documents. Finally, in a seminar room, attendees received a tutorial on how to access the millions of documents safely stored. It was much appreciated that example topics were from East Lothian. After a vote of thanks members departed much satisfied with the experience.

Ian Hardie

Events Manager

The photo shows the group admiring the Adam top-lit domed rotunda.

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