The Annual Dinner

The final event of the annual programme of East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists Society was the annual dinner held in the Maitlandfield House Hotel, Haddington on Friday 20th April 2018.

A group of thirty members and guests enjoyed the fellowship of the annual dinner served with the usual efficiency by the new team at the Hotel. At the conclusion of the meal Joy Dodd introduced Mrs Judy Riley, who lives in Tyninghame House, and gave an illustrated talk; “Helen, the hand who Launched a thousand trees”. This described the significant landscape developments at Tyninghame carried out by Thomas, 6th Earl of Haddington and his wife and cousin, Helen Hope. who virtually laid out Binning Wood. The wood was cut down in the second war of the 20th century but was re planted.

Mrs Riley who is a landscape designer gave a very informed talk about on this important estate. There was some interesting discussion. Interested members and others should note that the estate is open on the 13th May. The President gave votes of thanks to the speaker and others who had helped with the organisation of the evening. He announced that the AGM would be held in Westbarns Village Hall on Sunday 20th May at 2 30.

At the conclusion of the business, Arran Johnston will give an open lecture at 3 pm entitled ’Road to Defeat; General Cope’s march from Dunbar to Prestonpans in 1745. Tea will be provided. The society in conjunction with Haddington History Society is holding a conference on September 15th in the Town House Haddington. The conference which is part of the Haddington 700 programme is entitled Charter, Church, Conflict and Community; Haddington 1318-2018.

Stephen Bunyan announced that the Transactions of the Society had been digitalised and put on an improved website.

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